Industrial Automotive Maintenance Training

Our Experience

MST has developed training programs for technicians in the automotive industry with an emphasis on high speed cell oriented manufacturing. It is critical that each technician can support and maintain the specialized equipment in these areas, and our automotive manufacturing maintenance training gives them the experience needed to succeed.

Areas of Opportunity

We often see robotic training offered as a first step without the prerequisite training that creates a technician able to support and troubleshoot robotic technologies. A well-rounded technician will be able to address all robotic failure conditions including various robotic heads utilizing pneumatics, hydraulics, vacuum, welding, etc. MST’s industrial automotive maintenance training prepares technicians with all these skills.

Focus Points

MST has seen an emphasis on robotics within the automotive industry. Our specialized industrial automotive maintenance training programs identify where the technician’s skill set currently is, then we build a training path for each technician up to the skill level needed (such as robotics with a background focus on servos and encoder technologies).

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Multi-Skill Training Services, Inc. (MST) can enhance the performance of your industrial maintenance personnel by improving your maintenance employees’ technical skills through targeted training.