Job Task Analysis

MST can validate and customize your training program by administering a Job Task Analysis for your organization.

The MST Job Task Analysis can accomplish the following objectives:

Identification Of The Essential Functions Of The Job

The JTA will identify all skill areas and tasks performed at your facility and rank them by importance, complexity, and frequency performed.

Training Program Validity

The JTA will provide a guide to developing curriculum that addresses the identified skill areas and tasks.

Valid Entrance Exam

As part of our JTA service, MST will provide you with a valid entrance exam for prospective maintenance employees that can be scheduled and administered online by your HR team.

Third Party Guidance

MST helps you to remove bias and any internal politics from the process. You will have a foundation that provides a valid and reliable way to use as a basis for training, pay for skills, and employment decisions.

One of the most valuable deliverables from the MST Job Task Analysis is the recommended training curriculum outlines, which breaks down the targeted training needed in order to teach the critical skills needed at your operation. The curriculum is segmented both by skill areas and specific topics within each area.

Valid. Reliable. Accountable.

MST has a thorough methodology for performing a Job Task Analysis. Observations are gathered through a plant tour and inspection. Feedback from both management and hourly personnel is gathered through interviews and detailed surveys.

The combination of interviews and written surveys allows the MST team to learn the most about the work environment, tasks being performed, and skills needed to support your operation. The information provided from the Job Task Analysis is then used to create customized Maintenance Skills Assessments.

Without an effective JTA, you would have difficulty answering the following questions:

  • How do I prove that my employee selection was unbiased and based on skills needed to perform the job?

  • How do I know that my training program is addressing the skills that my employees really need?

  • What tasks and skills are most critical to my maintenance organization?

  • How can I defend my hiring and promotion decisions?

  • How do I set up a valid pay classification level program (pay for skill)?

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Multi-Skill Training Services, Inc. (MST) can enhance the performance of your industrial maintenance personnel by improving your maintenance employees’ technical skills through targeted training.