Case Study

Royal Canin

MST developed custom operator job role training, provided onsite customer training.


MST developed custom operator job role training, provided onsite customer training.

Sevices Used

⦿ Operator Job Role Training Development
⦿ Operator Onsite Training
⦿ Custom Online Training
⦿ Train-The-Trainer


Highly automated processes and machinery changed the expectations and complexity of operator job roles.


MST developed custom training and procedures targeted to key job roles and facilitated new hire training during a high-growth time for Royal Canin.


MST trained dozens of new hires in key job roles. Royal Canin was able to develop a key group of On-The-Job Trainers and get training in place for all key areas and job tasks.

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Multi-Skill Training Services, Inc. (MST) can enhance the performance of your industrial maintenance personnel by improving your maintenance employees’ technical skills through targeted training.