Case Study


Ulta Beauty

MST develops and implements a custom maintenance skills training program for ULTA Beauty.


MST develops and implements a custom maintenance skills training program for ULTA Beauty.

Sevices Used

⦿ Job Task Analysis
⦿ Custom Online Training
⦿ Onsite Training


ULTA's high-speed distribution centers rely on automation and controls, presenting a challenge for maintenance technicians to troubleshoot issues when something goes wrong.


MST developed component-specific training content to target the skills and knowledge needed by existing and future maintenance technicians to more effectively troubleshoot issues and reduce downtime.


MST built ULTA’s specific simulators for technicians to train on now and in the future, which will help sustain a sufficient number of properly trained technicians in their distribution centers.

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Multi-Skill Training Services, Inc. (MST) can enhance the performance of your industrial maintenance personnel by improving your maintenance employees’ technical skills through targeted training.