Follow Up Audit

We have seen numerous Preventive Maintenance Training programs fail because of lack of follow-up audits. These follow-up audits focus the facility towards becoming a World Class Maintenance Organization by measuring the progress against the initial baseline.

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The Fortune is in the Follow-up. Jim Rohn

Our Follow Up Audit can help you keep the momentum on the journey to become a world class maintenance organization.

Measure Against Baseline

The follow up audit allows us to measure against the baseline that was defined by the Initial Audit.

Guide Future Action Plans

Create new action plans and/or refine existing plans.


Measure Success of Execution

World Class Maintenance implementation is a multi-year process which requires a continued focus on the process elements.

Feedback on Personnel

MST relays to management the performance levels of personnel who own critical parts of the action items, offering opportunities for improvement.

Maintenance technicians are as efficient as management plans for them to be.

One of the keys to World Class Maintenance is everybody is part of the same team. It is not a maintenance issue, it is not a production issue, it is a plant issue and it is everybody’s responsibility to ensure that all steps are taken to ensure equipment reliability. Maintenance must ensure the machinery is available to operate and operations must ensure the machinery is operated correctly.

Is your maintenance department poised to properly maintain your investments?

Short term profit goals override the proactive maintenance investment. So many times we encounter companies who delay the proactive maintenance investment, to hit quarterly goals, this is the same as putting off service on your vehicle so that you can spend the money on something else. Neglecting maintenance is a pay now or pay a lot more later decision.

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Multi-Skill Training Services, Inc. (MST) can enhance the performance of your industrial maintenance personnel by improving your maintenance employees’ technical skills through targeted training.