Case Study


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MST assessed Perdue’s current program to establish skill gaps and to provide training materials for critical maintenance skill areas.


MST assessed Perdue’s current program to establish skill gaps and to provide training materials for critical maintenance skill areas.

Sevices Used

⦿ Custom Assessment Development
⦿ Assessment Implementation


Perdue was searching for an effective assessment program to identify skill gaps of their current maintenance staff


MST subject matter experts developed hands-on assessments for 15 skill areas that would be used to test current technicians, and also developed online assessments that matched these same skill areas to evaluate future employees.


The development of these custom skills assessments gave Perdue an effective and efficient way to test the skill levels of current and future technicians.

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Multi-Skill Training Services, Inc. (MST) can enhance the performance of your industrial maintenance personnel by improving your maintenance employees’ technical skills through targeted training.