MST Industrial Maintenance Certifications

Using our extensive experience, we can work with your maintenance organization to create a custom maintenance certification that is relevant to the needs of your organization.

Our Industrial Maintenance Certifications Work Because:

Based on the Needs of Your Facility

A Job Task Analysis study provides the basis for our custom certification program. The training and skills required for certification are based on your team’s input and our expertise.

Are Performance-Based

Certifications only work if they prove that the certificate holder can perform as required. Through our practical testing, we make sure that those who complete have the skills required.

Requires On-the-Job Performance for Certification

MST provides optional follow up to make sure that employees are actually using the skills certified on the floor.

Proven Process Based on Extensive Experience

Using MST’s proven process, we focus on the practical and relevant knowledge and skills that mean higher performance.

Certifications help to establish a culture of demonstrated performance.  Many diplomas and certificates represent knowledge that might not be very applicable to your organization or on the plant floor.  MST’s practical approach will be sure that your Certification Program is actually meaningful, and is not just a participation trophy. 

Practical. Cost-Effective. Proven.

MST has 30 years of experience in building proven maintenance skills training programs for our clients.  We have a very collaborative process that we use to understand your needs and target our training to meet those needs. 

MST believes that maintenance certifications should be for rewarding troubleshooting skill, not engineering-level  knowledge or theory.  Those technicians who achieve our certifications must do so my demonstrating practical troubleshooting skills and knowledge in key areas that are relevant to your facility. 

A Custom Certification Program can help answer the following questions:

  • What skills do my maintenance technicians really need to maintain our facilities at a high level?

  • What skill gaps does my maintenance organization have that should be closed?

  • Which maintenance candidates should I hire?

  • How do I develop my maintenance technicians, and give them something to shoot for?

  • How do I reduce attrition in my maintenance organization?

Need a custom solution?

Let us design the perfect one for you.


Multi-Skill Training Services, Inc. (MST) can enhance the performance of your industrial maintenance personnel by improving your maintenance employees’ technical skills through targeted training.