Companies normally spend a lot of budget and focus on training their managerial and administrative employees, and often neglect the training needs of their frontline plant workers, including maintenance technicians and operators. With today’s technology, blending learning solutions that allow a combination of remote live training, self-study online training, and hands-on classroom training, providing technical training within a reasonable budget is very possible.
It is very important to first understand the critical technical skills needed to operate and maintain the plant, to ensure that any training or assessment activities are relevant and targeted to the greatest needs.
One of the most common mistakes that we see is employees sent to food industry training courses where they either do not have the prerequisite skills needed to succeed in the class, or alternately are too knowledgeable for the scope of the class. An upfront skills assessment is an excellent investment to prevent this and train much more efficiently.
Once you understand what skills you need and you have an idea of the skills gap that exists, now you have the foundation to make wise decisions on how to direct your training dollars and get the highest ROI on your investment.
Equipment operators. They are hired and put out onto the job with little to no training, and often asked to operate complex equipment that is critical to plant productivity. The operators usually have little background or education that would prepare them for this role, and the OEM service technicians that are sent to help them are often not skilled to provide effective coaching or training. Our clients have told us that they see a tremendous ROI once we have provided custom training to these operators.
Blended learning solutions that include elements of remote and in-person training make it possible for companies to build programs that are adaptive and affordable. Most companies in the food and beverage industry do not yet see the vision of how technology can help them to train so much more consistently and efficiently, while allowing instant changes to content as needed. The days of formal training with a set curriculum of content are gone, and replacing it is a nimble training model that is built in a way to adapt to the needs and challenges of your workforce. To learn how MST can help lead your food and beverage training, contact us today!
Let us design the perfect one for you.
© 2025. Multi-Skill Training Services, Inc.