MST’s Annual Train the Trainer

MST recently held their annual instructor training event with many of their key instructors at their new offices in Murray, KY. The purpose of this event is to ensure that MST’s instructors are well-equipped to deliver top-quality training to their customers. During the event, MST focuses on reviewing and standardizing their class deployment processes, as well as discussing any curriculum and policy changes with the instructors.

The training event is overseen by MST’s VP of Operations, who plays a crucial role in leading the sessions and discussions. At the conclusion of the event, the VP of Operations recognized the instructors for their hard work and dedication throughout the year, acknowledging their contributions to another successful year of training.

This commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in training underscores MST’s dedication to providing the highest level of service to their customers.”

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Multi-Skill Training Services, Inc. (MST) can enhance the performance of your industrial maintenance personnel by improving your maintenance employees’ technical skills through targeted training.